SuperTux Wii Edition
Need to download the app to load the WAD.
Title ID: SUTX Blocks: 15
Wii Mod Lite
Need to download the app to load the WAD.
Title ID: WIML Blocks: 15
Need to download the app to load the WAD.
Title ID: NO64 Blocks: 18
Need to download the app to load the WAD.
Title ID: BWII Blocks: 9
No need to download the app to load the WAD.
Title ID: FTPI Blocks: 20
YAWMM (Yet Another Wad Manager Mod)
Need to download the app to load the WAD.
Title ID: YAWM Blocks: 11
Either download the app or not, it is up to you.
Title ID: PWCH Blocks: 5
Eject DVD
No need to download the app to load the WAD.
Title ID: EDVD Blocks: 4
Yet Another BlueDump Mod
No need to download the app to load the WAD.
Title ID: YABD Blocks: 7